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Coupon Clipping Service


Celebrate the Savings with Rie Cosentino provides a safe, secure coupon clipping service. You can purchase coupons in quantities of 10 for pennies on the dollar plus shipping and handling. Go to our Clipping Service page for a price list and a link to the complete list of Available Coupons.



Coupon Trains


Coupon Trains are envelopes of 50+ coupons that are circulated among the participants (usually 5-7 people). You take out those you want and add those you don't need. It is a great way to get higher value coupons and coupons from different regions that may not be available in your area. At the end of the run, your expired coupons go to military families that can use them up to 6 months after their expiration!

Coupon Databases


A full list of coupons, listed by coupon insert, publication date, and expiration can be found in our Coupon Database. You can see the schedule of which inserts come out each week in our Insert Schedule. We also update our Coupon Preview List every Wednesday with the coming Sunday's coupons.

Links to store digital coupons, Internet printable sites can be found in our Coupon List.

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